Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Social Groups According to the Experts

Social Groups According to the Experts
Kinds of kinds of social groups according to the experts

1. Regular social groups

1. In-group and out-group
In-group: social groups where individuals identify themselves within the group
Out-group: The group outside the group itself

2. Groups of primary and secondary

Primary Group: A small group whose members have close relationships, personal and lasting, for example family
Secondary Group: Larger groups, ad hoc, formed for a particular purpose and impersonal relationships among its members so that usually does not last, example of a football club

3. Circle of Friends (Gemeinschaft) and Patembayan (Gesselschaft)

Circle of Friends - life form whose members are bound together by ties of pure mind and is based on natural and eternal love and a sense of inner unity that has been destined example family, kinship, neighborhood, etc.
Patembayan - bonds that are the subject of birth and usually for a relatively short period of time, eg urban, etc. cetting

4. Formal and Informal group group

Formal group: The group has firm rules and deliberately created by its members to regulate the relationship between each other, examples of corporate bureaucracy, government offices, etc. countries.
Informal group: The group that does not have a definite structure, formed by the meeting until that happens meetings of interests and experiences, examples click (Association of the nearest or comradeship)

5. Reference group membership and group

Membership Group: A group where one is physically a member, an example of the villagers / town
Reference Group: Social group is the reference for someone to shape the personality and temperament, especially the example of informal leaders

2. Social groups of irregular

1. Harmony (Crowd): individuals who come together by chance in a place and at the same time an example of a football crowd, herbalist and so on.
2. Pubrik: people who have similar interests gather examples campaigners

Characteristic features of social groups according to the experts
The system of interaction among members.
The existence of customs and norms that regulate interaction system
A sense of identity that unites all members
Having a system of organization and leadership
Looks as our unity of individuals who sometimes get together then dispersed

3. Social Organization

a. Understanding social organization is a group of people who have in common and consciousness interact and cooperate to achieve mutually agreed objectives
b. The characteristics of social organization:

Are lasting
  • Having a firm collective identity
  • Having a detailed list of members
  • Has a continuous program of activities aimed at achieving a clear goal
  • It has a procedure for accepting new members and old members issued

Kinds of Social Organization by William Kornblum

Formal organization is an organization that has a set of normal, status, role, and in which there is a clear written rules governing the relations among its members, OSIS example, Scouts, PMR, etc..
Informal organization is a group that has an agreement on the norms and status, but this is usually not a written agreement, an example of a family

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