Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Understanding Countries by the Experts

Understanding Countries by the Experts
Understanding the state according to the experts and the definition of the state according to the experts

John Locke and Rousseau

The state is an entity or organization the result of the agreement

Understanding Countries by MAX WEBER

The state is a society that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force within a region

Understanding Countries by ROGER F. Soltau

The state is a tool (agency) or authority (autghority) that regulate or control issues with the name of society

Understanding Countries by MAC Iver

State must meet three basic elements, namely the government, the community or the people, and certain areas

Understanding Countries by GEORGE Jellinek

The state is an organization that is equipped with a genuine power derived not from a high-rank power ore.

Understanding Countries by HAROLD J. Laski

The state is a society that is integrated because it has the authority and legitimate coercive greater than individuals or groups who are part of the community

Understanding Countries by MAC Iver

The state is an organized association in a community policing in a region on the basis of the legal system held by the government for this purpose given the power to force.

Understanding Countries by Miriam Budiardjo

The state is a territorial area that people ruled by a number of officials and successfully demanded of its citizens obedience to its laws and regulations through mastery (control) monopolist of legitimate power

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