Saturday, March 2, 2013

10 Bad Habits to Avoid

10 Bad Habits to AvoidWe as human beings must have had or even now still doing bad habits. It's just a waste of our time alone, self-injurious or could actually hurt people. Of course, to get rid of bad habits that may take several years and even some expensive therapy sessions.

But psychiatrists, psychologists, and cognitive therapists agree that recognition is the first step. So let's check out what our bad habits and get better posture, a more slender nails, and a warm friendship.

1. Nervous Habits

Why you do it: you have excess energy, probably from the adrenaline surge caused by too much caffeine or sugar, and can not be distributed.

How to stop: If you love to drink sweet, reduce the sugar. Vigorous exercise and enough sleep. And try to move your arms and legs into isometric movements: Put your hands in your lap and gently push your palms concentrate. For your legs, place both feet flat on the floor and then push down. Repeat this until the restless subside.

2. Habits: Chewing Premen Rubber

Why you do it: It's a habit that is formed when you are nervous or anxious. How to stop: the fastest and most effective solution? Switch to hard candy. But if you really do not want to chew gum again, ask a good friend or co-worker next to you stop you every time she hears you do it.

3. Habits: Often Too Late

Why you do it: Deep down inside, you may think your time is more important than time waiting (you think you are better late, because so much work to do before leaving. Instead kecepetan arrived and had to wait). But sometimes when you are late, you have already lost. Here you lack some of the essential skills of time management.

How to stop: When someone asks you to do something, do not immediately react, either directly accept or reject. Say you'll call again, then decide if you have the time. Also, seek out activities that always make you late. Tricks: Set your clock five minutes earlier and get up earlier. Always call the boss if you're late.

4. Habit: Procrastination

Why you do it: This is a strategy to manage the anxiety of having to complete the task.

How to stop: Recognize that when you procrastinate, others may think you do not care about the job, and it's worse finish anything less than perfect. If you do not complete an assigned task by yourself at a certain time, make a warning letter for yourself, or a punishment. If you make yourself responsible for the consequences, it will motivate you to complete the task.

5. Habit: Hunchback

Why you do it: You feel comfortable walking with a hunched back without having tired of walking upright. But it's not considered good and will make you old fast.

How tall: Take dance lessons, pilates, or yoga to strengthen the abdominal muscles and upper back muscles. A simple shoulder exercises with your shoulders touching the ear is a much easier way to combat slouch. Are 10 round to the front and 10 rear.

"It will improve posture and help remind you to stand and sit up straight," said Phil Haberstro, executive director of the National Association for Health and Fitness, in Buffalo. Regular physical activity helps combat mental and physical fatigue that can contribute to slouch.

6. Habit: Scruffy

Why you do it: You might have a view. You want to be surrounded by things falling apart as it stimulates and it reminds you to do your job. But it backfired, because you waste time looking for things.

How to stop: Separate paper stacks and stacks you want to do that you think may be delayed. Use folders or boxes in a variety of colors.

"One of my clients had 12 clipboard hanging in his office: six for the current project and six for which he might be able to do it later. He still visually aroused, but his stuff is set. System settings that work for you, and start with step basic steps, such as putting your keys in the same place every day, "says Lynn Cutts, a certified life coach in Colorado.

7. Habits: biting nails

Why you do it: you use it to gain comfort and relieve stress. "Nail biting is the adult version of thumb sucking," said Alan Strathman, associate professor of social psychology at the University of Missouri, Columbia.

How to stop: First, pay attention when you bite your nails, and then replace it with another action. Put a stress ball on your desk, or even playing with Silly Putty when your fingers start tickling your teeth. You can also try wearing synthetic nails or your natural nail painting with a paint that has a foul taste. Or use a manicure. You'll look good, and after paying this service, you will think twice about damaging results.

8. Habit: Whining / Complaining

Why you do it: you do not feel confident that you have the power to ask for something. As a child, you may whine when you do not get what you want, and then it worked. How to stop: As an adult, you're weird if you think you'll get the same results. If your husband or your friends say you whiny, attention. Just state what you want to make a direct request. Remember: Most people will be resistance to the whiners and tend to refuse to grant his request.

9. Habits: Talking about Other People

Why would you do: you cover your weaknesses with exposing others. But someone gossiping habits do not really believe his own pretty well. How to stop: Focus your conversation on sharing your experience, like finding a new restaurant or your latest vacation. Discuss current events, music, or sports. It will give you something to discuss other than others. Plus, you never know who is listening to your conversation.

If you complain about your teammates, knowing that his best friend might be the woman behind you on the train. Keep in mind that you made the rumor seem credible. You may even lose friends and professional contacts when people realize that you're gossiping.

10. Habit: Perfectionism

Why you do it: Maybe your parents are too perfectionist, and have high expectations of you. Suppose used to say, "Just be a value of 8, Dina?" How to stop: Practice received little things that are not perfect / as you see fit as long as it does not bring great impact. "You will see the consequences are not so terrible," said Cutts. Set time limits for tasks, and use an alarm. When it was time.

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