MySQL is a database software in a server or Database Smart. This database has been popular nowadays. By using this database, data is more secure and efficient. This database is also widely used in web database so that the data is integrated between desktop database with a web database.
In addition it can also be interpreted as the MySQL software SQL database management system (database management system) or DBMS is multithreaded, multi-user, with about 6 million installations worldwide. MySQL different from projects like Apache, which software is developed by the general community, and the copyright to the source code are owned by their respective authors, whereas MySQL is owned and sponsored by a Swedish commercial company MySQL AB, which holds the copyright on all iasm source code. Both the Swedish and the Finnish people who founded MySQL AB is: David Axmark, Allan Larsson and Michael "Monty" Widenius
B. excess MySQL
As one of the database server with the modern concept of the current database, MySQL has many privileges, among privilege in MySQL is:
1). Portability MySQL database with stable function without constraints, significant effect on a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X Server, Solaris, Amiga, HP-Unix. 2). Open Source MySQL is an open source database (free), under the GPL license so that it can obtain and use it freely without paying. 3). Multiuser MySQL is a database that can be used to handle multiple users at the same time without experiencing any problems. And enables a MySQL server database can be accessed at the same client as well. 4). Performace Tuning MySQL has a pretty good speed in dealing with simple queries, and can process more SQL per unit time. 5). Column Type MySQL databases are supported with highly complex data types, such as signed / unsigned integer, float, double, char, varchar, text, blob, data, time, datetime, timestamp, year, set and enum. 6). Command and Functions MySQL server has full service and functionality that support the SELECT and WHERE in the query. 7). Security Security systems at MySQL has several layers of security such as Subnet levels, hostname, and permits the user access to the detailed licensing system and encrypted passwords. 8) Scalability and Limits MySQL database has the ability to handle a large enough scale, with a record number of more than 50 million and 60 thousand tables and 5 billion rows. Moreover, it can accommodate up to 32 index index on each table. 9). Connectivity The ability to connect to the MySQL client using TCP / IP, Unix sockets (Unix), or Named Pipes (NT). 10). Localization The ability to detect errors (error code) on the client uses more than twenty languages. 11). Interface MySQL has an interface to a variety of applications and programming languages use function API (Application Programming Interface). 12). Clients and Tools MySQL database has various tools that can be used for database administration. 13). Table Structure MySQL has a pretty good table structure and flexible enough, for example when dealing with alter table. |
C. Features of MySQL
- MySQL starting at 3:22 series adopted a lot of people and increased its population, then at 3:23 and 4.0 series has been a lot of improvement in terms of technology. Is not apart from the demands of users who increasingly rely on MySQL, but need the features more.
- 3:23 series. MySQL 3:23 in series adds three new table types: MyISAM first, that until now the default table type, secondly BerkeleyDB, the first to add transaction capabilities in MySQL, and InnoDB third, potential new prima donna.
- Series 4.x. In the new series runs until 4.0 alpha stage, the MySQL developers promised to make MySQL a higher degree. Features that had always requested will be granted, as subselek (in 4.1), union (4.0), foreign key constraint (4.0 or 4.1 though InnoDB 3.23.x already provide this), stored procedures (4.1), view (4.2) , cursor (4.1 or 4.2), trigger (4.1). MySQL AB remain dedicated to develop and improve MySQL, and MySQL to maintain a popular open source database.
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