Friday, June 7, 2013

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is common in women who are sexually active. Urinary tract infection is an infection common in young women and the second reason women visit a doctor. As many as 50-80% of women experience at least one urinary tract infection x in a lifetime. Women 30 times more susceptible to UTIs than men. this is caused by 3 things:

1. Female urethra is shorter, only 2.5 to 3 cm 2. The location of the estuary near the vagina and anus 3. women do not have prostate as an antibacterial

2. Urinary Tract Infection is the growth of microorganisms in the urinary tract, but normally do not contain bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Urinary Tract Infections can occur anywhere. ranging from the urethra, bladder, ureters (the tubes that drain urine fibromuskuler from the kidneys to the bladder) or the kidneys.

3. Other types of Urinary Tract Infection is pyelonephritis / kidney infection. This disease must be dobati because it can cause a decline in kidney function. UTI can be elevated in people with diabetes. urine contains fluids, salts, and waste products, but sterile; free of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Behavior of women the most frequent cause is a Urinary Tract Infection is washing genitals from back to front (from the vagina to the urethra) should be from front to back. Other causes are increased sexual activity, often called the honeymoon sisititis.

Microorganisms that often cause this condition are chlamydia and mycoplasma can cause Urinary Tract Infections both men and women. Other behaviors often hold urination and urinating before and after intercourse. risk factors in women are: pregnancy, diabetes, menopause, long-term immobility, kidney stones, urethra narrower and less drinking.

Urinary Tract Infection is common in pregnancy. Physiological changes both hormonal and mechanical increasing the likelihood of bacteriuria in pregnant women. Symptoms and signs of UTI are not always complete and sometimes non-existent, which is the condition called asymptomatic bacteriuria. Symptoms found were: Dysuria = Pain when urinating, Urgency = urgency when urinating, frequent urination Polakisuria Clinical symptoms of upper urinary tract (kidneys and ureters) are often accompanied by pain, fever, nausea, Mutah and hematuria (blood urine) . more likely to be frequent urination, dysuria (pain when urinating) and pain in the supra-pubic

If healthy people, young and not pregnant, does not need to be given the drug. Enough water to drink 2 liters per day, and hygiene, the bacteria content in urinotomatis will be reduced and the infection can be prevented.

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