Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Understanding History According to the Experts

Understanding History According to the Experts
Here is a definition of History According to the historian that contain various meanings

1. Understanding History According to Herodotus
History is a study to tell a person's rise and fall turnover figures, society and civilization.

2. Understanding History According to Aristotle
History is a system to examine an event from the beginning and are arranged in a chronological order. At the same time, according to his history is well past events that have a record, the record-the record or evidence of concrete.

3. Understanding History According to R. G. Collingwood
History is a form of inquiry about the things that have been done by humans in the past.

4. Understanding History According to Patrick Gardiner
history as the study of what has been done by humans.

5. Understanding History According to Drs. Sidi Gazalba
past history as a man and around him are arranged scientifically and completely covers the sequence of past fact with interpretation and explanation that gives understanding and Kefahaman about what happened.

6. Understanding History According E.H. Carr in What is History textbooks
History is a never-ending dialogue between the present and the past, a continuous process of interaction between the historian and the facts he had.

7. Understanding History According to Gustafson, 1955
The history of human knowledge is a mountain peak from which actions we may scan generation and plugged into the proper dimensions.

8. Understanding History According to Shefer
History is the past and the events that have actually berterjadi

9. Understanding History According to M Yamin
History is a general science-related stories penfsiran bertarikh as a result of events in human society at a time in the distant past or other signs.

10.Understanding History According to Robert V. Daniels
History is the memory of the human experience

11. Understanding History According to J. Banks
All the events of the past are history (history as actuality). History can help students to understand human behavior in, the goal of the present and future of the new (to study history).

12. Understanding History According Motahhari - there are three ways to define history and there are three inter-related historical disciplines, namely:
  • Traditional history (chronicle naqli) is knowledge of the events, the events and circumstances of humanity in the past in relation to present circumstances.
  •  scientific history (chronicle ilmy), ie knowledge of the laws that seemed to pull past life gained melaluipendekatan and analysis of past events.
  •  history of philosophy (philosophical chronicle), ie knowledge about the gradual changes that take people from one stage to another, he discusses the laws that controlled these changes. In other words, it is the science to the public, not only about the manifest.

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