Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Various kinds Constitution

Various kinds Constitution
Various kinds of the existing Constitution - Here are some Macam Macam Constitutional laws

1) a written Constitution and the unwritten constitution (written constitution and Unwritten constitution).

A written constitution is called when the form of a text (Doumentary Constitution), while the unwritten constitution is not the form of a text (Non-Doumentary Constitution) and much influenced by the tradition of the convention. Examples of the British constitution is only a collection of documents. Examples of the British constitution is only a collection of documents.

2) The Constitution flexible and rigid constitution (flexible and rigid constitution).

Understanding flexible constitution is amended constitution without any special procedure while a rigid constitution is the constitution that requires a special procedure in the amendment. It said the constitution is flexible if the constitution allows for changes at any time as msyarakat development (eg British constitution and New Zealand).

While the definition of rigid constitution when the constitution was difficult to change until whenever (example: USA, Canada, Indonesia and Japan).

The characteristics of a flexible constitution
Elastic properties, that can be customized easily
Denominated and changes are easy as changing laws

Characteristic features of the Constitution rigid discrete subject, among other things:
Having a degree and a higher degree of law
Can only be amended by special procedures / special

3) of the Constitution and the constitution of a high degree degree degree is not high (Supreme and not supreme constitution).

High degree constitution, the constitution which has the highest posts in the state (level legislation). While the constitution is that the constitution is not a high degree that does not have the constitutional position and the degree of such a high degree.

4) the United State Constitution and the Unitary State (Federal and Joint Stock Constitution).

Will largely determine the shape of the state constitution is concerned. In a federal state there is division of power between the federal government (center) with the states. It's set in the constitution. The division of power as it is not regulated in the state constitution unity, because basically all the power is in the hands of the central government.

5) Government Constitutional Presidential and Parliamentary government (Executive President Executive and Parliamentary Constitution).

Characteristic features of the Constitution presidential system of government (strong) characteristics are as follows:
  • The President has the power as the nominal head of state, but it also has a position as Head of Government
  • The president is elected directly by the people or council voters
  • The President did not include legislative authority and can not be ordered elections
Characteristic features of the Constitution parliamentary system of government has the characteristics (Sri Soemantri):
Cabinet headed by a Prime Minister who formed based power control parliament
Cabinet members partly or entirely of members of parliament
President with the advice or counsel prime minister may dissolve parliament and ordered held elections.

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