Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Understanding Modernization

Understanding Modernization
Modernization comes from the word meaning modern progress, modernity or modernity is defined as the force values ​​in the aspect of space, time and a wider social group or universal. Modernization is defined as the changes are moving from the traditional state or from pre-modern societies toward a modern society. Modernization shows a process of a series of attempts to get or create the values ​​(physical, material and social) that are or qualified universal, rational and functional.

Definition of modernization in the opinion of the experts

Widjojo Nitisastro modernization is a total transformation of life with traditional or pre-modern in terms of technology and social organization, patterns towards economically and politically.
Soerjono Soekanto modernization is a form of directed social change based on a plan which is usually called social planning. (in the book of sociology: an introduction, the individual and society textbook).

Astrid S. Susanto modernization is a process of development that provides opportunity for progress toward change. J.W. Schoorl modernization is the application of scientific knowledge in all activities, areas and aspects of life. Koentjaraningrat modernization is an attempt to live in accordance with the age and the constellation of the world now. Wilbert E. Moore modernization is a total transformation of the common life, from the traditional patterns towards western countries that have stabilized.

On the basis of the above understanding the modern term broadly encompassing definition as follows:
  • Modern means berkemajuan rational in all areas and increasing living standards of society as a whole and evenly.
  • Modern means high values ​​of humanity, and civilization in social life in the community.

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